Racism in the Royals

Was going to save this 4 my blog or my website ..... but nah, 2 lazy, doesn’t belong on my acting website & 2 pithy 4 my blog.

Unfortunately, this is nothing new 4 Black Women historically, so ’m not surprised, @all , just sad at the pain and harm. The predictability & the inevitability of racism & normalized “other ism”, doesn’t ease the harm.

The vitriol directed at her is also historically accurate as well as informative ...again sad.

Concerning monarchies ( little m),

believe America even after breaking away , has always secretly lusted after that model and have tried to recreate it through oppressive power structures , institutions & people groups ever since, kinda like the abuse victim becoming the abuser, because that’s only model shown & known.

No quotes today , just an impactful read and much wisdom from sister Andrea Morehead.


“Who needs a stimulus when you have trumpism” ?


Brittney Cooper, “Eloquent Rage”